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In healthcare applications (hospitals, care home, clinics, doctor's offices, laboratories etc...) hygiene and air quality are the core requisites for choosing the air treatment installations. The different actors in the health sector are also concerned about the occupant's and patients' comfort and the energy performance of their installations.

High indoor air quality

Indoor air quality not only focuses on outdoor pollution residuals. Buildings and their occupants also generate significant specific pollution. We are committed to consider the IAQ aspect in all your construction and renovation projects.

Indeed, our product ranges actively participate in reducing and controlling the risk of infectious contamination, especially in risk areas by controlling airborne contamination and providing a high-level filtering. Thanks to the Epure® solutions filtration outstanding capabilities and large installations or simply thanks to specifically developed mobile air scrubbers, CIAT adapts to various demanding environments and goes beyond the industry hygiene standards (VDI 6022, DIN 1946, NFS 90 351…).

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Patient's comfort

We are renowned for creating high-quality indoor environments thanks to dedicated options that enhanced occupant's experience. Adapted to your application, our tailor-made solutions are more effective at ensuring the wellbeing of patient through thermal and acoustic comfort and the efficiency of its indoor air quality management systems.

We take care of your patients' and healthcare workers designing dedicated solutions to meet patient's expectations. Our units are developed and tested in terms of acoustic level in our Culoz centre of excellence ensuring an excellent acoustic comfort, without compromising efficiency and performance.

With over 90 years' experience in climatic engineering, we build our expertise on a close relationship with our customers. Serving the medical field, we put our innovative abilities into the design and manufacture of systems that push the boundaries of hygiene and comfort.

With genuine innovations, we work alongside hospitals, clinics and care homes to provide you with optimal engineered solutions. With hygiene and comfort requirements in mind, we provide global solutions with a low carbon footprint that go beyond the simple notion of kW/h consumed and energy savings.

Guiding you right from the start: to ensure you are provided with the right solutions, the CIAT healthcare experts will work alongside you from conception and throughout the implementation of your project. They will analyse your specifications, and thanks to their expertise and specific software designed by our engineers, will provide you with the optimum solution to meet your requirements.

Airside expertise: our research and design centrr and laboratory have seven innovation platforms, equipped with state-of-the-art test and measurement tools, and fully dedicated to airside applications. In this 3 000 m2 facility in eastern France, teams carry out prototyping and testing led by our development unit and ultimately thoughts for our customers looking for the best in innovation.

Industrial excellence: the skills of our teams are backed by completely integrated and powerful production facilities resulting in a fully mastered industrial procedure. Our manufacturing sites are certified with ISO 9001, ISO 14000, and OHSAS 8001.


Choose the best-in-class service platform: BluEdge

CIAT & BluEdge teamed up to offer you a full range of services, from IAQ assessments to retro-commissioning, and even more. Get all the benefits to smoothly operate productive and healthy facilities such as optimised performances, providing lower energy and reducing maintenance costs.

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Eurovent certification

CIAT solutions are Eurovent regulation certified.

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