#CIAT4life Helps Customers Improve Indoor Air Quality
CIAT, a provider of cutting-edge ventilation solutions, is raising awareness about its #CIAT4life campaign to publicise the company’s advanced indoor air quality (IAQ) solutions and services. CIAT is a part of Carrier Global Corporation (NYSE: CARR), global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions.
“CIAT is proud to offer solutions and services to improve indoor environments for everyone in everyday life through innovative IAQ technologies,” said Mat Hopwood, Sales Manager UK&I, CIAT. “Sustainable, well-ventilated buildings can generate improvements in occupants’ cognitive function, well-being and mental health. CIAT provides confidence, tailored solutions advice and efficiency.”
People spend between 80% to 90% of their time indoors – in homes and offices, or public spaces such as schools, shops, hospitals and transport hubs. Indoor areas can experience higher concentrations of pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), radon, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Short-term symptoms as a result of exposure to airborne contaminants such as VOCs may include headaches, dizziness, sickness and irritated airways. Health charity Asthma + Lung UK has even linked poor indoor air quality to the increased incidence of asthma, lung cancer and increased risk of heart attack and strokes.
#CIAT4life is based on delivering trusted, tailored solutions, advice and efficiency by CIAT IAQ experts. These experts help customers transform their buildings with HVAC solutions for optimum ventilation.
CIAT offers innovative technologies to help address pollution factors and the risk of spreading disease, pathogens, and bacteria, including innovative filtration technologies with various terminal filters and HEPA filters for particulate matters. CIAT also offers devices using UV-C light, to help remove VOCs and improve IAQ with UV photocatalytic oxidation.
Its suite of airside products, such as the CLIMACIAT® Airtech™, Airclean™ and Airaccess, support the highest levels of comfort and wellbeing, and align with the #CIAT4life initiative to create healthier indoor environments.
To help create a safer space, CIAT has the CIAT CLEAN LINE™ Dual Mode Air Scrubber & Negative Air Machine. As an air scrubber, the unit can improve IAQ by helping to filter the smallest particle sizes that may carry bacteria and pathogens, then discharging cleaner air back in the room. The machine can also create negative pressure to prevent air from spreading to adjacent rooms in the building.